Impact of the implementation of the daily rotating inventory on the accuracy of the medicines stock in a medium-sized public hospital




Objective: To evaluate the impact of implementing a daily rotating inventory on the accuracy of medicines stocks in a medium-sized public hospital. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional exploratory descriptive study that evaluated the implementation of a rotating inventory from January to July 2022. 143 medicines were selected and subsequently inventoried once a month over seven months. These medicines were classified according to the ABC, XYZ curve and the degree of divergence in low, medium and high. Accuracy was calculated for each group, over the analyzed months, and the Relative Percentage Change (RPC) for comparison between the initial and final period. Result: There was a 64% increase in the accuracy of medicines inventory, with a difference being observed between the ABC and XYZ groups. Regarding the ABC curve, group A had an increase of 170%, group B 358% and group C 23% in the same period. Regarding criticality, group Z had the highest accuracy, followed by groups Y and X. Medicines classified as having a high rate of divergence had a reduction of 80% and the low rate of 25% after implementation of the inventory. Conclusion: The implementation of the rotating inventory increased the accuracy of the medicines stock over the evaluated months. This tool can be a strategy used to improve medicine inventory management.


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How to Cite

COSTA-JUNIOR LC, CLEMENTE GG, TEBALDI BS, ANDRADE SG, SALDANHA JT, RIBEIRO P, ALCANTARA G de C, SILVA LC, MACHADO-GOMES MS, SALGADO MD, BANDEIRA FG, SILVA LS, SILVA ZA, COELHO CT, SOUZA CZ. Impact of the implementation of the daily rotating inventory on the accuracy of the medicines stock in a medium-sized public hospital. Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saude [Internet]. 2023Sep.27 [cited 2024Oct.25];14(3):963. Available from:

