Administration of liquid medications for oral use in babies: development and validation of educational material for caregivers




Objective: To develop an educational material with guidelines for caregivers on the administration of oral liquid medications in infants. Methods: the study comprised three stages: (i) development of the educational material based on a literature review, (ii) evaluation by a committee of eight specialists, and (iii) subsequent evaluation by the target population. The validation of the material was based on a minimum Content Validity Index (CVI) of 0.80 and an agreement rate of 75% among participants. Results: the educational material, titled “Administering Liquid Medications to Infants: A Guide for Caregivers and Guardians,” was completed with 32 pages, featuring logical organization, simple language, examples, and images. After evaluation by the committee of specialists, the material achieved a CVI of 0.98 and incorporated seven suggestions. The evaluation by the target population resulted in an agreement rate of 97.5%, with all suggestions being considered. Conclusions: the educational material was validated, standing out for its alignment with objectives, cohesive structure, and relevance. This safe and informative tool can benefit both caregivers and healthcare professionals, being essential to prevent errors in the administration of liquid medications in infants, thereby reducing the risks of intoxication and other health impacts.


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How to Cite

SANTOS NR, PEDRO CA, GONÇALVES AL, ROCHA K, FIOROT AB, ARAÚJO DC. Administration of liquid medications for oral use in babies: development and validation of educational material for caregivers. Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saude [Internet]. 2024Jun.30 [cited 2024Oct.21];15(2):e1172. Available from:




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