Identification of drugs-related problems and pharmacists’ interventions in a hospital in Southern Brazil




Objectives: to identify, describe and analyze drug-related problems (DRPs) and pharmaceutical interventions (PIs) in medical prescriptions of a hospital and estimate their economic impact on the health institution. Methods: quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study carried out from August 2020 to September 2021 in a reference hospital in cardiovascular care. DRPs were classified using the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) version 9.1 tool, the economic impact was measured using the Clinical, Economics, Organization Impact (CLEO) tool and drugs involved in DRPs were classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC). Data were analyzed using an Excel 2007 Results: A total of 857 DRPs were identified in the prescriptions from 560 patients, an average of 1.5 DRP per patient. The main DRP found was in the safety domain, with 39.1% adverse drug event (possibly) occurring, whereas the most prevalent cause was related to posology instructions that could be wrong, unclear or missing (22.8%). The most frequent PI was drug suspension (25.8%) and the change in the administration instruction (25.7%), 85.9% of the PI were accepted and implemented causing a fully resolved problem outcome, and 41.8% of the PIs decreased the costs for the institution. Conclusion: It was possible to identify and carry out a considerable amount of DRPs and PIs. These PIs aimed reducing possible harm related to drugs, in addition to promoting, in most cases, a cost reduction for the institution. The presence of the pharmacist working with the rest of the multidisciplinary health team proved to be essential, both in promoting safety in pharmacotherapy and harm reduction to patients and in-hospital pharmacoeconomics.


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How to Cite

SPEZIA IA, CIMAROSTI HI. Identification of drugs-related problems and pharmacists’ interventions in a hospital in Southern Brazil. Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saude [Internet]. 2022Jun.24 [cited 2025Feb.14];13(2):794. Available from:

