Development of mobile application for veterinary oncology drugs for dogs and cats




Objective: This study aims to develop of a mobile application focusing on drugs used in veterinary oncology targeted at dogs and cats. Methods: A technological production through the rapid prototyping type for the Android operating system was carried out to develop the mobile app. The mobile app structure was developed in four stages: 1) conception (assessment of needs, target audience, literatura research, and content definition); 2) prototype planning (definition of topics and module writing, media selection, and layout); 3) mobile application production (selection of multimedia tools, navigation structure, and environment configuration planning); and 4) making the mobile application available. Results: OncoVet Info is a free web application, developed in the Portuguese language and requiring an internet connection. The application consists of eighteen screens, containing information on 13 medications: asparaginase, carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, chlorambucil, dacarbazine, doxorubicin, ifosfamide, lomustine, methotrexate, mitoxantrone, vinblastine, and vincristine. The information covers commercial presentations, indications, doses and routes of administration, diluent and stability, incompatibilities, potential drug interactions, adverse reactions, toxicity, biosafety measures, extravasation risk, relevant aspects, and references. Additionally, the app provides information about the team, classification of extravasation risks, calculations for therapeutic practices, oncological protocols, waste management, and biosafety. Conclusion: OncoVet Info is a tool that assists professionals involved in animal care, contributing to the safe and responsible use of oncological medications.


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA KS, MAGALHÃES VS, LIMA TM. Development of mobile application for veterinary oncology drugs for dogs and cats. Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saude [Internet]. 2024Mar.27 [cited 2024Oct.21];15(1):1073. Available from:

