Validation of procedure for checking and releasing antineoplastics medications in an intravenous mixing center in southern Brazil




Objective: Considering Collegiate Board Resolution 220 of 2004, which describes the minimum requirements required for the operation of antineoplastic therapy services, the objective of this work was to propose and validate a process for checking and releasing antineoplastics medications manipulated in the Intravenous Mixture Center in a high complexity hospital in southern Brazil. Methods: Prospective descriptive observational study, carried out from January to March 2023 at the Intravenous Mixture Center of a public hospital in Porto Alegre. A pilot study was carried out over a three-week period in which 50% of the antineoplastic preparations produced underwent a final visual check and completion of a checklist with the following points: colors, existence of perforations and/or leaks, foreign bodies or precipitation in the solution, medication compatibility with bag and equipment used and volume in the syringe. The results were presented to the unit’s professionals and validated electronically, applying the Content Validity Index, which calculates the proportion of evaluators who agree with individual and total aspects of the instrument. Subsequently, the process was described in a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and made available to the sector team. Results: A total of 427 syringe/pouch preparations were visually checked with the final product over the course of three weeks. During this pilot, three handling errors were identified, as well as the need to adapt work processes. The topics observed using the checklist were evaluated and validated by the sector’s oncology pharmacists. Conclusions: The procedure for checking and releasing antineoplastics medications proved to be a necessary procedure for patient safety due to its ability to prevent errors in the production and handling order from reaching the patient. In addition, it is necessary to keep the SOPs and supporting material constantly updated, together with ongoing staff education.


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How to Cite

SCHAAB EE, SCHWAMBACH KH, WERLANG MC. Validation of procedure for checking and releasing antineoplastics medications in an intravenous mixing center in southern Brazil. Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saude [Internet]. 2024Mar.26 [cited 2024Oct.21];15(1):1030. Available from:

